Apr 8 2010

The Taxi Takes video on Worldfocus- Give your Take

A video about Sameena, a female taxi driver in Mumbai was recently published by Worldfocus. Here is the link to the piece.
The video can also be viewed here:

There are several interesting comments on the site which I have decided to copy and paste here to allow the discussion to continue and evolve. And in light of the rulings in France by Nicolas Sarkozy and his Government there is a lot to be said about this Muslim lady and her decisions. Go ahead and give your take!

04/01/2010 :: 02:47:09 PM
Secretary Says:

One day she will learn that wearing a burka is similar to being branded with a large M on her forehead. It took a long time for American slaves in the 1860s after Americas civil war to lose that feeling of being a slave. So will this lady to get rid of the past and step into the world where she can be free. She is very brave to put her face on the world stage since she is going against her fellow Muslims belifs.

04/01/2010 :: 04:53:59 PM
Steve Says:

I am fully aware of oppressive, patriarchal history and culture that led to various head coverings and “hiding away” of women. And before I came into contact with so many women who wear head covering, I probably would have said precisely the same thing as “Secretary” above.

But, while I still believe such coverings are oppressive, I also see that the actual lives and narratives of the women I know who wear them completely contradict the idea that this oppression has been fully successful.

I know proud, stubborn, fully empowered women who– for their own reasons — do not feel it to be a contradiction to wear a head covering. Or, if they do see the contradiction, many of them seem so comfortable and confident in their independent identity, that they simply live with the contradiction.

This does not mean that I am comfortable, either with the contradictions or with the head coverings themselves. I know the history that they represent.

But if and when various cultures evolve past the need to hide and imprison women and cover their faces, it will not simply be the removal of those head coverings that will lead to full liberation as human beings.

I’m afraid that internal struggle is not so easily and directly related to external garb.

04/01/2010 :: 08:58:14 PM
David Jamadar Says:

Change are slow but inevitable. As time passes either we adapt or get left behind. I never like to see women wearing that covering is hides their true beauty. And when you can see really see things. I think that women soon would realize that the world is moving on. These small clips about independent women makes me feel proud.

04/02/2010 :: 11:02:10 PM
Azizah Says:

Lovely, I love this, women getting employed, owning business and taking economic independence. Cheers to the future!

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2 Responses to “The Taxi Takes video on Worldfocus- Give your Take”

  • marc Says:

    I live in Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country where, though it is not obligatory, many Muslim women choose to wear headscarves (locally called Tudongs)covering their hair, ears and throat. Many perhaps do so out of ‘peer pressure’ merely to conform to some perceived cultural norm.

    My own personal opinion is that, from a purely aesthetic point of view, it is a pity to see these women covering their natural assets.

    This is a dangerous form of reasoning, based purely on my own personal preferences. I could just as easily apply the same reasoning to say that it is a pity women cover their shoulders or cover their legs or… i think you see where this is going – it’s a slippery slope.

    I used to live in Europe where, though it is not obligatory, many women choose to smear coloured pastes over their faces and paint unnatural colours on their eyelids, cheeks and lips. Many perhaps do so out of ‘peer pressure’ merely to conform to some perceived cultural norm.

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